Assisted Living Nurses: How to Build a Rapport with Your Patients

3 minute read

As an RN, building healthy relationships with patients is paramount. Developing trust and clear communication can have a major impact on their healing and quality of life. As assisted living nurses, you are asked to balance a lot of challenges at once. It’s not always easy to find the time to properly connect with each individual. So, here are some tips that can help you build a rapport with your patients.

Working at an Assisted Living Facility 

When working in an assisted living facility, it can feel like you’re constantly on the go. Whether or not there is an immediate crisis to deal with, you must remain ready to spring into action. There is always something to attend to, and having good communication with each patient can go a long way in conflict resolution.

Don’t Be Reactive

A great way to build trust with a patient is to know how to regulate your emotions. When things get chaotic, slowing down and breathing can actually help your patients calm down, too. In addition, being mindful and unreactive can often diffuse challenging situations.  

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a particular patient, take a step outside and rebalance. As an RN, a part of your duty is to show up respectfully. Knowing when to step away is a critical part of building trusting relationships with others.  

The Power of Empathy

Working long hours in unpredictable conditions can take its toll on assisted living nurses. It’s easy to lose sight of others when you’re so focused on what needs to get done. 

Remembering the power of empathy can make a huge difference in how you relate to your patients. Acknowledging the suffering of another person fosters care and connection.

Take some time each day to focus on the emotional state of your patients. Sit with them and listen to them attentively. Allow their fears and concerns to be voiced and validate their feelings.

Patients are human just like you. They want to be heard and understood. If a patient is acting inappropriately at times, it is likely due to the condition they are suffering from. 

Do your best to be accepting of their shortcomings. Giving them space to express themselves will help to build a good rapport.

Show Your Patient That Their Care Comes First

Not every patient is going to like you. No matter how many hours you devote to them, they may not be grateful for your efforts. Working hard to serve others without reciprocation may cause you to question your decision to become a nurse. This is a dilemma that many RNs come across at some point in their careers.

This is why it is important to remember your purpose. Remind yourself that serving others is a privilege. While there may not always be a reward, remember that you are offering a beautiful and necessary service. 

You have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships and assist in healing people in desperate need. Showing up each day with a compassionate and calm disposition goes a long way. It demonstrates to your patient that their care comes first.

Take Care of Them Properly and in a Timely Manner

Direct care is a major way to build rapport with a patient. Making sure they are fed on time, that their space is clean, and their medications are delivered can build trust with a patient. 

If bed sheets need to be changed, make sure they feel seen and cared for in a timely manner. As a patient, knowing that your needs are valued is of the utmost importance.

Assisted Living Jobs Near Me

Are you wondering, “where can I find assisted living jobs near me?” CynaMed is here to help. We list part-time, full-time, temporary, and permanent job listings to make it easier for health professionals to find employment. Visit our website and apply today.


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