COVID-19 Protocols for Nurses

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COVID-19 Protocols for Nurses

Nursing during a global pandemic is a challenge, but it is also what nurses are called to do. Health care workers, including nurses, are some of the many essential workers who do not have the option of working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. Patients continue to need care, whether it is routine care, acute care from the coronavirus, or acute care from any other cause. Since nurses must work in close contact with patients during the pandemic, it is critical that they follow strict protocols to keep themselves safe from infection, to prevent spreading the infection from patient to patient, and to prevent bringing the infection home or out into the community. Here is an overview of COVID-19 protocols for nurses.

What Is the Coronavirus?

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is a novel type of coronavirus, which is a larger class of common viruses. The COVID-19 virus spreads through respiratory droplets. These droplets spread the virus through coughing, sneezing, speaking, or singing. It is possible that the virus may be spread when people touch a contaminated surface, then touch their hands to their faces. Nurses can reduce potential transmission by practicing good hygiene and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as N-95 respirators, facemasks, face shields, and gloves.

Protocols for Nurses at Work

Nurses can take many steps to prevent transmission of the coronavirus while at work. Some of these steps involve wearing PPE while at work. Other steps involve behavior management at work. Here are protocols concerning PPE:

Here are protocols for behavior management while at work:

Protocols for Nurses Returning Home From Work

Nurses should take extra precautions to avoid spreading the coronavirus to their friends and families outside of the healthcare facility. Here are protocols concerning nurses returning home from work:

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, nurses have continued to serve their patients. As the pandemic continues, so does the need for nurses. These protocols provide ways that nurses can prevent transmission of the virus while continuing to care for their patients.